Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Judgemental much, Jane/John Doe?

Dear Readers,

Which is the frequently asked question by friends, relatives or even potential stalkers? 
A) What can we do to prevent global warming?
B) What is the solution for war?
C) How can we help the refugees from Syria?
D) Do you have a boyfriend /girlfriend?
Incase you're wondering, the answer is fairly obvious  (options were given to throw you off track 😈)

Everybody seems to be obsessed about knowing our status on love life (or the lack of it)! As if the statuses on Facebook weren't  creating enough drama 😧

Fortunately (because it is entertaining ) /unfortunately I've been asked "Do you have a boyfriend? " as the first question! (In replacement of a greeting)  I mean bro what's the difference between you and Guthi? (Ref: shopkeeper, blue saree hai? ) Like such questions charm the pants off, no? #SarcasmSilly

What baffles me is the ignorance which seems to be in trend! For most people, there is no variation from being friends to getting married! (Ya that escalates quickly ) Either you are deep into the "friendzone" or busy taking saat pheras!

The concept of dating, wooing hardly exists in the eastern culture! You are looked down upon by curious relatives /friends who think going on dates is a waste of time (Even immoral at times). There are many other connections between two consenting adults besides being friends or being married. Not every relation is serious or of commitment. Some are casual, some are not (You can't expect everyone to have their shit together :like moi! ) It depends on parties to the contract  (speaking legally ). There is no need to define or specify the relation if two or more (in polyamourous relationship) people are on the same page.

Times have changed and people need to start keeping an open mind when it comes to LGBT, or what type of relationship one wishes to be involved or when to get married. (Don't get me started on that topic. Maybe I shall address my views in the next post 😅)  Religion, caste, gender should not matter in love. It sounds clichéd and corny but it is something we should ponder and resolve.

P.S. Don't doubt your decision because do what your ❤ says! Oh and also keep the spark alive by flirting ;)


Monday, 28 September 2015

Escape to an Expedition

Dear Readers,

I would like to throw an assumption here that majority of the individuals are aware of what it is to be chained to an (intangible ) object! Leaving the kinky part aside, we all are sensitive to the feeling of being enslaved either by work or any such responsibility that requires our 100% dedication and attention. Let us (for our convenience )refer to this nagging element as "Burden".

The burden draws power from our mental and physical health gaining a strong footing into our psyche. It flourishes on stress and nurtures disorders like depression and anxiety.

What must we do to detoxify this burden? Nip it in the bud? It's easier said than done! A vast number of people suffer from conditional pressure that creeps up eerily and refuses to leave the host.

Now the thumb rule being Taking Breaks! Breaks from routine, disrupting the monotony and eliminating the iteration that forms a part of our lives.

I have faced a similar situation wherein the lull of the mundane hours stretched so much that it was difficult to feel happy or excited about anything. All things remaining constant, there was a feeling of incompleteness that nagged at the back of my mind. To address this issue, the only solution that stared me in the face was taking a small vacation. A change in atmosphere felt like coming up for air after staying underwater for a long time. I felt like myself again and the world seemed a better place as clichéd as it sounds!

I came across many people (online and offline ) who suffer from similar stress related problems that, if left untreated, cause more harm than we can imagine. I choose to speak about this because I know how claustrophobic it feels to be at a low point in life .I would like to throw some light by emphasising that taking regular breaks help a lot. Accepting that you're not alone in that vicious cycle, curbs the potential growth of anxiety. 

Breaks include a mini getaway, vacation, time off from the routine. Watching favorite sitcoms (like FRIENDS ❤) also work! In conclusion, do not ignore the nagging as it could be something that dangerously lures in shadows and catches you off guard!  

P.S. I know it's a big post and thank you for reading it! I really think it's an important topic that needs some attention!  

Until next post, stay tuned!


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Behind The Veil

Dear Readers,

There is a journey in all of us. Each having an identity, a story, an experience to share. What is the urge that makes us want to dispense our stories into the abyss? Some people may relate with Ansel Elgort's character 'Augustus Waters ' in John Green's young adult novel 'The fault in our stars' wherein the character fears oblivion. Let us be honest here for a moment and reflect on that theory. We share our hopes and dreams, our lives for the sole purpose of being remembered. Legitimately it is known as Athazagoraphobia or the acute fear and paranoia of being forgotten, abandoned or ignored.

I confess I fear oblivion (and also to add to the existing drama on the internet), this blog will be maintained on a semi-daily basis. Everyone is welcome to see how my story unfolds with time. It shall contain a dose of inspiration sugarcoated with entertainment and lots of colorful flavors to add to the ingredients.

Just to introduce myself, I love to read, write and explore different places microscopically. I refuse to describe myself any further as impressions are formed which I prohibit on this blog. Let us keep an open mind and share the journey together. Everyone is welcome to read and dole out their experiences in the comments because knowing an assortment of people and their lives will be a privilege for me!

Mischief Managed ;)

Until the next post, stay tuned! 
